Friedrich Eibner and the the romantic image of Toledo




Toledo, Friedrich Eibner, romantic painter, Royal Palace Library


Among the rich heritage treasured by the Library of the Royal Palace of Madrid, we want to study the chromolithographs with views of Toledo, part of the Album of Prince Metschersky, made after his trip to Spain between 1860 and 1861. The picturesque image of the imperial city was created by the German painter Friedrich Eibner (1825-1877), seven views in which we find the attraction for the romantic image of Spain during 19th century, sublime and surrounded by an attraction by the pass of time. The limited repercussion of Eibner's artistic production in the Spanish Romanticism historiography, is intended to revalue his work, as well as the selection of a set of prints in which Toledo is presented as one of the leading cities due to its monumental and landscaping value, to which we contribute with unpublished paintigs.


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Author Biography

  • Jaime Moraleda Moraleda, University of Castilla-La Mancha

    Faculty of Humanities of Toledo
    Associate Professor of Art History




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Articles. II. General Section: Art and Heritage

How to Cite

Friedrich Eibner and the the romantic image of Toledo. (2021). Norba. Revista De Arte, 40, 223-242.

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