Of ruins and castles: a research project on the restoration of monuments in the 21st century.





Restoration, conservation, castles, ruins, Andalusia, 21st century


This article deals with the objectives, methodology and results of a study on the criteria applied in the restoration of Andalusian castles and defensive architecture in the 21st century, carried out as a part of the R&D project Ruins, looting and interventions for Cultural Heritage, which focuses mainly on the analysis of the efficiency of cultural heritage protection regulations and recommendations, particularly in the light of the evident dissension between professional jurists and cultural heritage managers regarding the role of such norms. The various models of intervention detected can all be accepted given the laxity that characterizes both current legislation and the most relevant national and international guidelines.


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Author Biography

  • María del Valle Gómez de Terreros Guardiola, University Pablo de Olavide

    Professor of Art History at the Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville. Her research focuses on the history of contemporary architecture and the restoration of monuments. She has participated in - and directed - several R&D projects, which have resulted in books such as La arquitectura de las órdenes militares en Andalucía: conservación y restauración and Las ruinas: concepto, tratamiento y conservación (University of Huelva, 2011 and 2018, the latter co-edited with Luis Pérez-Prat Durbán).


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How to Cite

Of ruins and castles: a research project on the restoration of monuments in the 21st century . (2023). Norba. Revista De Arte, 42, 117-137. https://doi.org/10.17398/2660-714X.42.117

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