The 21st century in empty environments through rural murals. rural murals. An example in Puerto de Santa Cruz (Cáceres), a work by Sojo.




Graffiti, mural art, social emptying of the countryside, Spanish Art History, classical Greco-Latin mythology


One of the characteristics of contemporary mural art consists in the transfer of a predominantly urban practice to a rural one. The rural mural is part of the cultural revitalisation of environments at risk of being emptied of their inhabitants. In Puerto de Santa Cruz (Cáceres), the artist Sojo proposes a painting around the fountain in the square when in the past it served as a water supply. The mural is reminiscent of classical paintings of Spanish Art, by Sorolla and Murillo, but also proposes a mythological reading based on the myth of Echo and Narcissus, which he transposes to a reality of the contemporary countryside.


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Author Biography

  • Angélica García Manso, University of Extremadura

    PhD in Art History, she belongs to the MUSAEXI Research Group of the UEx and is a high school teacher. Her research interests include the study of cinematographs, the mythological imaginary in films and the iconography of contemporary art, subjects on which she has published numerous articles and monographs".


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[Consulta: 15/03/2021]

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Articles. II. General Section: Art and Heritage

How to Cite

The 21st century in empty environments through rural murals. rural murals. An example in Puerto de Santa Cruz (Cáceres), a work by Sojo. (2022). Norba. Revista De Arte, 41, 283-298.

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