The Ovidian Digital Library: a heritage project with an iconographic vocation on the «Ilustrated Ovid




Biblio-iconography, illustrated editions, Metamorphoses, engravings, Semantic Web


This contribution sets out the description, origin and development of the research project Ovidian Digital Library (Biblioteca Digital Ovidiana), which is in its fifth phase of implementation. The project, whose research is carried out within the libraries with ancient collections that have copies of the illustrated editions of the works of the Roman poet Publius Ovidius Naso, has produced a specialized website on the Ovidian illustration to spread the completed research and to offer at the same time a powerful digital tool for the study of the book, the tradition of the illustration of Ovidian works, and the iconography of myth between 15th and 19th centuries.


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Articles. I. Monographic section

How to Cite

The Ovidian Digital Library: a heritage project with an iconographic vocation on the «Ilustrated Ovid. (2020). Norba. Revista De Arte, 40, 21-50.

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