American Iconographic Monumenta: The Image of America in European and Latin American arts




Image, iconography, America, Europe, woman


The research group «Extremadura and America» of the University of Extremadura, presents the project American Iconographic Monument: The image of America in European and Latin American arts, to create a large image bank on the iconography of the image of America in modern and contemporary times, through the work of searching, collecting and analyzing different national and international documentary and bibliographic archives. The iconographic repertoire will occupy from the illustrated letters of Columbus printed in 1493 to the image of the American continent that has been given in the art, the cinema, the graphical press and in the mass media of the XX century, making special emphasis in the image of the woman in all the sections.


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Author Biographies

  • Yolanda Fern´ández Muñoz, University of Extremadura

    Faculty of Philosophy and Arts
    Department of Art and Territorial Sciences
    Avda. de la Universidad s/n
    C.P. 10003, Cáceres

  • Alicia Díaz Mayordomo, University of Extremadura

    Faculty of Philosophy and Arts
    Department of Art and Territorial Sciences
    Avda. de la Universidad s/n
    C.P. 10003, Cáceres


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Articles. I. Monographic section

How to Cite

American Iconographic Monumenta: The Image of America in European and Latin American arts. (2020). Norba. Revista De Arte, 40, 73-92.