When the comic overflows: the formal exploration of Ilan Manouach y Martín Vitaliti


  • Álvaro Pons Moreno University of Valencia
  • Noelia Ibarra Rius University of Valencia




Conceptual comics, Ilan Manouach, Martin Vitaliti, Expanded Comics


The article explores the formal innovations in the comics of two contemporary artists: Ilan Manouach and Martín Vitaliti. Through a theoretical review, the authors analyze how comics have evolved beyond their traditional definitions, challenging the limitations imposed by popular culture and the entertainment industry.

Manouach develops the concept of "conceptual comics", exploring the materiality and meaning of the medium beyond visual narrative. His work employs appropriation and détournement, as seen in Katz (2011), where he modifies Spiegelman's Maus, and Noirs (2014), which reinterprets The Smurfs. Manouach also investigates the use of artificial intelligence in generating comics, as in Fastwalkers (2021), proposing a hybridization between human and digital creation.

Vitaliti, on the other hand, deconstructs the fundamental elements of comics, such as the panel or the page, to analyze their function beyond traditional narrative. His work focuses on the materiality of comics, as in Ampo (2021), which explores fear through the depiction of snow in El Eternauta.

Both artists aim to expand the boundaries of comics, redefining their nature within the context of rapid technological and cultural evolution.


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Author Biographies

  • Álvaro Pons Moreno, University of Valencia

    Profesor titular de la Universitat de València. Es codirector de la Cátedra de estudios del cómic Fundación SM-Universitat de València.

  • Noelia Ibarra Rius, University of Valencia

    Profesora titular del Departament de Didàctica de la Llengua i la Literatura de la Universitat de València. Es codirectora de la Cátedra de Estudios del Cómic Fundación SM-Universitat de València y presidenta de la Sociedad Académica de Estudios del Cómic.


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How to Cite

When the comic overflows: the formal exploration of Ilan Manouach y Martín Vitaliti. (2025). Norba. Revista De Arte, 44, 139-160. https://doi.org/10.17398/2660-714X.44.139

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