Strategies, adaptation and ruins. The awakening of contemporary Chinese art and the search for dialogue (1978-2018)


  • Franco Cecchi National University of Distance Education



Contemporary Chinese art, Art of Globalization, Urban transformations


Conceived in the context of a broad investigation into the history of art and terri-tory, this article draws a broad trajectory of some of the most outstanding contributions of the artistic vanguard in China starting from the era of reform and opening inspired by Deng Xiaoping in 1978 with the goal of turning light it seeks the pursuit of a social, political and also urban dialogue, undertaken by a generation of artists who instigated a paradigm shift in contemporary art. Placing the focus on a history of art, more inter-connected and multidisciplinary and oriented towards cultural studies, we intend to bring new elements into artistic studies that have been expanding in recent decades in the context of globalization.


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Author Biography

  • Franco Cecchi, National University of Distance Education

    Licenciado en Historia del Arte en la Universidad de Bolonia (2003); Master en Historia Contemporánea en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y la UAM (2010); Master en estudios chinos en la Universidad Pompeu Fabra (2015). En 2014 fue estudiante visitante en la Hankuk University of foreign studies de Seúl (Corea). Doctorando en Historia del Arte y del Territorio en la UNED, actualmente investiga la relación entre el arte contemporáneo chino y las transformaciones urbanas del gigante asiático.


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Articles. II. General Section: Art and Heritage

How to Cite

Strategies, adaptation and ruins. The awakening of contemporary Chinese art and the search for dialogue (1978-2018). (2025). Norba. Revista De Arte, 44, 227-252.

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