Departure from canon: an analysis of the mangaesque and animesque elements  in Aku no Hana (The flowers of evil)


  • José Andrés Santiago Iglesias University of Vigo



manga, anime, rotoscoping, mangaesque


The manga-anime partnership is widely known to both academic researchers and aficionados. Nowadays, a large number of anime series still originate from the namesake manga series. However, there is a subset of manga-to-anime works apart from mainstream, born from technical and/or creative choices, departing from the conventionalized elements usually shared by both media. In this article I present an analysis of Aku no Hana (The Flowers of Evil), a manga series by Oshimi Shūzō —named after Baudelaire's seminal work— and its controversial anime adaptation, known for using rotoscoping, paying special attention to the mangaesque and animesque elements found within.


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Author Biography

  • José Andrés Santiago Iglesias, University of Vigo

    Artista plástico-visual y profesor ayudante doctor en la Facultad de Bellas Artes. Premio Fin de Carrera (2004) y Doctor en Bellas Artes (2010), es autor del libro Manga. Del cuadro flotante a la viñeta japonesa (Comanegra, 2010) y editor de Anime Studies: Media-specific approaches to Neon Genesis Evangelion (Stockholm University Press, 2021). Integrante del grupo de investigación dx5 (Universidade de Vigo) dentro del cual coordina la línea de “Estudios Transdisciplinares sobre Cómic (ETC)”.


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2025-01-08 — Updated on 2025-01-10

How to Cite

Departure from canon: an analysis of the mangaesque and animesque elements  in Aku no Hana (The flowers of evil). (2025). Norba. Revista De Arte, 44, 161-182.

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