Ventura Vaca's architectural contribution in Alburquerque over time: new contributions and meanings


  • Marina Bargón García University of Oviedo



town planning, regionalist architecture, twentieth century, materials, town hall.


Recently, an architectural project by the architect Ventura Vaca was discovered in the context of the town of Alburquerque, Badajoz. This discovery has significantly expanded our understanding of Ventura Vaca's relevance and influence in a specific geographical region, while enriching our interpretation of his own architectural work.

Furthermore, this research undertakes an incipient analysis of the history of the Casas Consistoriales de Alburquerque, with a focus on the project proposed by Ventura Vaca for this building. This project is considered to be the starting point that gave rise to the final town hall construction, which was carried out by the architect Donato Hernández Ruiz.

Therefore, this study contributes significantly to the existing knowledge about Ventura Vaca, highlighting his crucial role as the driving force behind the transformation of the town of Alburquerque from a rural to an urban society.


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Author Biography

  • Marina Bargón García, University of Oviedo

    Licenciada en Historia del Arte (2011, UEX), obtuvo un contrato predoctoral F.P.I. (MINECO, 2015- 2019) en el Departamento de Artes y Ciencias del Territorio de la UEX y se doctoró en la misma universidad (2020). Desarrolló su carrera en ESNE durante 2 años, como docente y coordinadora en los grados de Diseño de Moda y Comunicación de Marcas de Moda. En paralelo, fue profesora en la Universidad a Distancia de Madrid. Actualmente, es profesora sustituta en el Departamento de Historia del Arte y Musicología de la Universidad de Oviedo.


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LOZANO-BARTOLOZZI, M.M. Y CRUZ VILLALÓN, M., La arquitectura en Badajoz y Cáceres. Del eclecticismo fin de siglo al racionalismo. Badajoz, Asamblea de Extremadura, 1995.




How to Cite

Ventura Vaca’s architectural contribution in Alburquerque over time: new contributions and meanings. (2024). Norba. Revista De Arte, 43, 391-402.