The ruin of Architecture. Considerations about volumetric reintegration criteria in contemporary projects




Ruin, architecture, restoration, volumetric reintegration, intervention criteria


One of the most difficult challenges of the architectonic restoration is the recovering of the lost volumes of the architecture when, during the cruel war against history and time, become a ruin. The poetic emotion of the absence, that provokes the architect to complete the depleted fragment, has to be founded on a criterion, based on the critic judgement of the work, which will operate during the whole intervention process. The article presents several reflections about architectonic ruin and its volumetric reintegration, with the support of several study cases with different criteria that consider the particularities of architectonic restoration.


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Author Biography

  • Sergio Sebastián Franco, University of Zaragoza

    Associate Professor in the Area of Architectural Projects. Architect (2002) and Doctor of Architecture (2016) by the ETSAM. Guest lecturer at various universities. His work has been published in various international media and magazines and has received numerous awards and recognitions, such as the Hispania Nostra Award, the Gold Medal DOMUS Award, the Ricardo Magdalena Trophy (2020, 2018 and 2013), the Architecture with EÑE Award (2018 and 2016), the García Mercadal Award for Intervention in Monumental Heritage (2020) in Rehabilitation (2020), among others. He has been selected for the Biennale di Architettura di Venezia 2020 and for various editions of the European Landscape Biennial, Spanish Architecture Biennial and the CSCAE's Arquitectura en Positivo awards. 


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How to Cite

The ruin of Architecture. Considerations about volumetric reintegration criteria in contemporary projects. (2023). Norba. Revista De Arte, 42, 211-236.

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