The recovery of the cloister of the convent of San Francisco de Palma from Jeroni Martorell to Alejandro Ferrant. Scientific restoration versus visual unity


  • María Pilar García Cuetos University of Oviedo



Convent of San Francisco de Palma, Jeroni Martorell, Alejandro Ferrant, scientific restoration


This article aims to analyse the restoration of the cloister of San Francisco de Palma, in regard to the application of the scientific restoration methodology. From Jeroni Martorell to Alejandro Ferrant, these theories were neglected and even forgotten in favour of a unitary vision of the whole ensemble and its intonation and the imitation of the patina effect. In order to carry out this analysis, unpublished sources and a bibliographical list of reference will be taken into account, together with fieldwork. The final result of the interventions was a restoration of meticulous technical resolution, but which did not maintain the principle of the notoriety regarding the reintegrated elements and the contemporary stratification of the building


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Author Biography

  • María Pilar García Cuetos, University of Oviedo

    Professor of the Department of History of Art at the University of Oviedo. Research interests: theory and history of architectural restoration. Heritage, memory, identity and conflict. Heritage and transculturality. Author of more than one hundred scientific publications. Member of the research groups Escenarios para el Arte EsArt (University of Oviedo) and Conservación del Patrimonio Artístico Religioso. CPAR, Art History Department of the University of the Balearic Islands.


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TUGORES TRUYOL, F. “El procès de tutela i restauraciò del convent de sant Francecs de Palma (1835-1936). L’actuació de la Comissió Provincial de Monuments”, en: XVIII Jornades d'Estudis Històrics Locals: La Ciutat de Mallorca i els segles del gòtic, Palma, Institut d'Estudis Baleàrics, 2009

VIVES y ESCUDERO, A. Inventario de los Monumentos Artísticos de España. Provincia de Baleares, 1909, p. 464 [21/05/2021]




How to Cite

The recovery of the cloister of the convent of San Francisco de Palma from Jeroni Martorell to Alejandro Ferrant. Scientific restoration versus visual unity. (2023). Norba. Revista De Arte, 42, 93-116.

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