Luisa Roldán: a lost Saint John of God rediscovered.




Baroque, sculpture, Luisa Roldán, 17th century


This paper deals with an unpublished sculpture of Saint John of God preserved in Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Spain. Through iconographic, formal and technical arguments, the authors propose to identify that sculpture’s head with the one contracted in Seville in 1680 by Luis Antonio de los Arcos, who was Luisa Roldán’s husband. That head was commissioned by the Prior of the hospital of Saint John of God in Sanlúcar.


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Author Biographies

  • Antonio Romero Dorado, University of Sevilla

    Art Historian. Doctorate from the University of Seville. His doctoral thesis studied La Capilla Palatina de los Duques de Medina Sidonia y Sidonia and the Iglesia Mayor de Sanlúcar de Barrameda: historia de una dualidad y de una hibridación (The Palatine Chapel of the Dukes of Medina Sidonia and Sidonia and the Main Church of Sanlúcar de Barrameda: history of a duality and hybridisation). His interests focus on the Sevillian School of Painting from the 16th to the 18th century and on the patronage of works of art by the Spanish High Nobility, especially the House of Medina Sidonia.

  • José Manuel Moreno Arana, University of Sevilla

    Graduate in Art History. PhD from the University of Seville following the defence of his doctoral thesis on El retablo en Jerez de la Frontera during the 18th century. His research has focused on the art of the province of Cádiz during the Baroque period, having materialised in various books and articles where he deals with aspects such as sculpture, the altarpiece and civil architecture.


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How to Cite

Luisa Roldán: a lost Saint John of God rediscovered. (2023). Norba. Revista De Arte, 42, 437-448.

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