Cultural landscapes as an integration of dynamic processes: vomero from a place of delights to an urban place place to an urban place




cultural landscapes, territory, Vomero, integrated preservation, digital relief


The contribution illustrates, through the tools of representation and relief, the transformations that the landscape of the hill of Vomero in Naples has undergone in the course of history, passing from "place of delights" to "urban place" continuing to characterize the landscape of the entire city. For this purpose, it was considered important to recognize and identify the cultural landscapes that contain both the signs of the past and those of contemporaneity, in a physical space, lived and heterogeneous of a place, in the specific case, the hill of Vomero. Outlining, therefore, those dynamic processes that represent the history of human settlements in continuous transformation, also means outlining our identity heritage, whose knowledge is necessary to find the story of "who we are" and "who we were" and to build the future of the new generations.


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Author Biography

  • María Martone, Sapienza University of Roma

    Architect, Associate Professor of Drawing at the Department of Civil Engineering, Building and Environment of the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering of the Sapienza University of Rome, she develops her research activity in the field of DSE ICAR/17, mainly concerning the representation of the project and the survey of architecture, the city and the territory, its critical documentation through the integration of traditional and innovative methodologies and digital technologies.


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Articles. I. Monographic section

How to Cite

Cultural landscapes as an integration of dynamic processes: vomero from a place of delights to an urban place place to an urban place. (2022). Norba. Revista De Arte, 41, 117-142.

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