The convent of San Esteban de Salamanca in the 14th century. Chronological details, devotional, and funeral topography




Medieval works, convent of San Esteban de Salamanca, 14th century, Limógenes, Godínez


In this article we detail the patronage of the Limógenes and Godínez families in the works of the church, cloister, and fence of the San Esteban de Salamanca convent during the first third of the 14th century. The dating that we present explicitly corrects the wrong interpretation of the dates of the different documents, which for centuries were confused by historiography when calculating between the Hispanic era and the Christian era, compromising the known data of the previous temple to the current one. Likewise, we reconstruct the devotional topography of the old Dominican church from the family pantheon promoted by the lineages.


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Author Biography

  • Juan Pablo Rojas Bustamante, University of Salamanca

    Graduate in Art History with Extraordinary Prize and Master's Degree in Advanced Studies in Art History from the University of Salamanca, where he is an Associate Professor. He also works as a technical specialist in the Historical Archive of the Dominicans of the Province of Spain. His doctoral thesis, which will be defended on 27 October 2021, focuses on the study of the convent of San Esteban de Salamanca between the 13th and early 17th centuries.


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Articles. II. General Section: Art and Heritage

How to Cite

The convent of San Esteban de Salamanca in the 14th century. Chronological details, devotional, and funeral topography. (2023). Norba. Revista De Arte, 42, 369-383.

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