The historical reconstruction of colonial art through its engraved sources: The case of PESSCA




PESSCA, Colonial Art, Engraved Sources, Historical Reconstruction


The purpose of this essay is to present the Project for the Engraved Sources of Spanish Colonial Art (PESSCA), outline the contributions this project makes to the catalogation, hermeneutics, ontology, conservation, reconstruction, and recuperation of colonial art, and to illustrate, in greater detail, the contributions this project makes to the virtual or historical reconstruction of colonial artworks which are too damaged to restore. Here we shall present the historical reconstruction of canvases from the Cathedral and of San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador) and Santa Catalina de Arequipa (Perú), of a hide painting of the Museum of International Folk Art of New Mexico (USA), and of several mural paintings of the States of Hidalgo and Oaxaca (México).


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Author Biography

  • Almerindo Ojeda Di Ninno, University of California (Davis)
    Emeritus Professor, University of California (Davis),
    and Honorary Professor, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.


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Articles. I. Monographic section

How to Cite

The historical reconstruction of colonial art through its engraved sources: The case of PESSCA. (2020). Norba. Revista De Arte, 40, 175-184.

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