Iconography of Santa Teresa


  • Fernando Moreno Cuadro University of Córdoba




engraving, emblems, hieroglyphs, allegories, Carmel


This is a presentation of the Teresian iconography project I have worked on for the last three decades, based on a desire to discover the themes and iconographic types of one of the key female figures in the history of the Church, Saint Teresa, the founder of the Teresian Carmel. Countless artistic representations have been made of her, which makes it a daunting task to collate them, due to the huge amount of material that has had to be studied. However, this has finally been made available to the scientific community in four volumes which cover the four main objectives of the study: The Legacy of the Spirit of Elijah (2016), which situates the reformer in the context of the old Carmelite doctrine, The Series of Engravings (2017), which led to the transmission of themes and types, which are, in turn, addressed in the third volume From the Visions to Everyday Life (2018), and finally the Iconography of the Discalced Reformers and the Allegorical Illustrations (2019).


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Author Biography

  • Fernando Moreno Cuadro, University of Córdoba
    University of Córdoba
    Professor of Art History
    http: //orcid.org/0000-0001-8933-068


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MORENO CUADRO, F., Iconografía de Santa Teresa (IV): Iconografía de los reformadores descalzos y la estampa alegórica, Burgos, Grupo Edi-torial Fonte / Monte Carmelo, 2019. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17398/2660-714X.40.157

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