Reception and legacy of Gustav Klimt in Northern Italy


  • Juan Agustín Mancebo Roca University of Castilla-La Mancha



Gustav Klimt, modernism, decoration, Venice, Italy.


No European country devoted to Klimt the attention he received in Italy. Widely represented at the 1910 Biennale and at the International Exhibition in Rome in 1911, his work influenced artists in the north of the country and in the irredentist territories that transcribed his laboratory of experiences both in painting and in other artistic disciplines. The reception of Klimt, through design, furniture, fashion and interior decoration perpetuated, in a more moderate way than at his starting years, modernism and symbolism until the mid-20th century in the transalpine country through Venetian decorative models, the reception in Felice Casorati and the "rebellious" artists of Ca'Pesaro, the Italian-speaking Austrian subjects in Trento and Trieste and the sculpture and graphics of Adolfo Wildt.


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Author Biography

  • Juan Agustín Mancebo Roca, University of Castilla-La Mancha

    Profesor de Historia del Arte Contemporáneo en la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, en 2023 ha publicado, entre otros: «El libro como proyecto autobiográfico. Ediciones de Fortunato Depero»; «Traer el mundo al mundo. Cartografías de Alighiero Boetti»; «Arte, mito y memoria. El mobiliario de Massimo Scolari»; «Hugo Ball y las formas de lo sagrado. Del nihilismo vanguardista a la mística cristiana»; «Los documentales de Luis Buñuel como recurso didáctico para la investigación», «The Fritz Lang’s Fantastic Territories», «Reliquias del sueño de Ícaro. El Museo de la Aeronáutica Gianni Caproni» y «El libro-máquina atornillado: Depero Futurista 1913-1927». Actualmente coedita un libro sobre David Cronenberg que se publicará a principios de 2024.


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Articles. II. General Section: Art and Heritage

How to Cite

Reception and legacy of Gustav Klimt in Northern Italy. (2024). Norba. Revista De Arte, 43, 371-387.