Architecture and Spanish art in the second half of the 20th century. Disciplinary transfers and collaborations


  • José Antonio Flores Soto Polytechnic University of Madrid



Spanish Modern Architecture, abstract art, Informalism, Spanish Modern Art, plastic space, arts interaction


Spanish architecture experienced a revival of modernity in the 1950s and 1960s. The stripping away of the historicist and vernacular forms of the early Franco regime marked this revival; also, due to the disciplinary interaction with the plastic arts, which at that time moved towards abstraction as modernity. This paper traces the lines of transfers and collaborations between architecture, painting and sculpture in a complex moment of interdisciplinary relationship through an analytical reading of different works and events of the moment. It is about outlining an environment of collaboration and interaction between singular architects and artists, who learned from each other and proposed other ways of building the common ‘plastic space’ of the arts.


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Author Biography

  • José Antonio Flores Soto, Polytechnic University of Madrid

    Profesor contratado doctor, Departamento de Composición Arquitectónica, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Grupo de Investigación: Teoría, historia, análisis y crítica de la arquitectura; 


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Articles. II. General Section: Art and Heritage

How to Cite

Architecture and Spanish art in the second half of the 20th century. Disciplinary transfers and collaborations. (2024). Norba. Revista De Arte, 43, 285-306.