ALAGÓN LASTE, José María, Los pueblos de colonización en la Cuenca del Ebro: planificación territorial y urbanística


  • María del Mar Lozano Bartolozzi Royal Academy of Letters and Arts of Extremadura


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Author Biography

  • María del Mar Lozano Bartolozzi, Royal Academy of Letters and Arts of Extremadura

    Professor of Art History at the University of Extremnadura. Director of the Royal Academy of Letters and Arts of Extremadura (RAEx) and corresponding academic of the Royal Academies of Fine Arts of Santa Isabel de Hungría in Seville and San Telmo in Malaga, as well as other international academic institutions. She directs the research group "Art and Heritage of the University of Extremadura" (ARPACUR), which focuses on the interpretation of cultural, environmental and urban landscapes.




How to Cite

ALAGÓN LASTE, José María, Los pueblos de colonización en la Cuenca del Ebro: planificación territorial y urbanística. (2023). Norba. Revista De Arte, 42, 451-454.