Gonzalo Bilbao anda his foray to the pictorial mode of monaguillismo





Gonzalo Bilbao, monaguillismo, Sevillian painting, Painting about customs, Neo-rococo painting


The discovery of an unpublished painting signed and dated by Gonzalo Bilbao in a Sevillian private house, and the rarity of its theme in the author's catalogue, encouraged me to analyze it with the aim of relating this example with other analogues in the same artistic medium. As can be seen in the following pages, paintings such as El acólito, were products in a way committed to both Spanish and international painting. The famous Sevillian artist participated in it on rare occasions, this being one of them.


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Author Biography

  • Álvaro Cabezas García, Albero Secondary School in Alcalá de Guadaíra

    Honorary Assistant of the Department of Art History of the University of Seville and member of the Laraña Research Group of the University of Seville (HUM317). He holds a PhD from the University of Seville (2014) and a Master's degree in Instruments for the Valuation and Management of Artistic Heritage (Universidad Pablo de Olavide, 2011). Research technician at the Pablo de Olavide University (2010-2012) and lecturer at the University of Cordoba (2016) and at the EUSA University Centre of the University of Seville (2016-2017). Career civil servant in the body of Secondary Education Teachers in the Department of Educational Development and Vocational Training of the Andalusian Regional Government (2022).


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Articles. II. General Section: Art and Heritage

How to Cite

Gonzalo Bilbao anda his foray to the pictorial mode of monaguillismo. (2023). Norba. Revista De Arte, 42, 239-246. https://doi.org/10.17398/2660-714X.42.239