Silversmith, engineer and councillor: Miguel Bruzos Cimadevila (1847-1916), an unknown multifaceted artist from Compostela.




Silversmiths, Silversmithing, Santiago de Compostela, Nineteenth century, Historical press


Until now, Miguel Bruzos Cimadevila was an unknown name in the historiography of Compostela, which, on theother hand, has not cared too much about the art of silversmithing. In this article we set out to collect news about the silversmith, and in this way, we established his family relationship with José V. Lorenzo, another important silversmith from Compostela at the time. In addition to news about important lost pieces of silversmithing for highlighted characters —even works for La Habana and London—, whose memory we have rescued thanks to the historical press, the most interesting thing was to learn about his work as an industrial engineer, planning the construction of a hydroelectric plant on the Tambre River and patenting a fire alarm device.


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Author Biography

  • Ana Pérez Varela, University of Santiago de Compostela

    PhD in Art History (international mention, USC, 2019), MA in Advanced Studies in Spanish Art (UCM, 2014), BA in Art History (USC, 2013) and Diploma in Music Teaching (USC, 2010). Her line of research focuses on the labour structure of the arts and crafts of Santiago in the change from the Ancien Régime to Enlightened Academicism, especially the case of silversmithing. She has made stays at the Catholic University of Chile (2017), the CITCEM of the University of Porto (2018), the Centre for Human and Social Sciences of the CSIC in Madrid (2018) and the Bibliotheca Herztiana in Rome (Italy, 2020-2021).


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Articles. II. General Section: Art and Heritage

How to Cite

Silversmith, engineer and councillor: Miguel Bruzos Cimadevila (1847-1916), an unknown multifaceted artist from Compostela . (2023). Norba. Revista De Arte, 42, 351-368.

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