Publishing Guidelines



NORBA is a scientific journal of Art History, published annually, dedicated to the publication of original research works on any of the specialities and fields related to the world of the Arts, without ruling out interdisciplinary approaches that enrich their study.


The research papers included in each issue are divided into two main sections: the first is monographic in nature and its content is subject to approval by the Editorial Committee, contributed by invited researchers and specialists in the selected topic; the second section is open to the submission of contributions on a topic of the author's choice. The journal also publishes notes of various kinds (news and brief comments) and bibliographical reviews, as well as academic research work carried out in and defended by the Art History Section of the Department of Art and Territorial Sciences of the University of Extremadura.

The sections of the journal whose contents are subject to review are the articles and notes of various, while the rest of the sections are evaluated directly by the Editorial Board. This same Council must ensure that research work is subject to evaluation using an external peer review system based on double anonymity. The journal will employ two reviewers, members of the Scientific Committee or other external evaluators specialized in the subject, to evaluate each article received, turning to a third reviewer in case of discrepancy.

Articles finally published will include the dates of receipt and acceptance. The final responsibility for the selection process and acceptance of papers will fall on the Management of the journal and its Editorial Committee, communicating to the authors the firm editorial decisions, both positive and negative, specifying, where appropriate, the modifications indicated by the aforementioned evaluators. In addition, the Editorial Board will emphasize that the evaluation process should monitor the originality of the work and detect possible plagiarism and redundant publications, as well as falsified or manipulated data.


The journal will accept original and unpublished texts. Each author may submit one article and one note of several, or only two notes of several. Bibliographic reviews will have no limit of number. For publication, texts will be sent preferably through the OJS platform. In exceptional cases, the texts will be sent by e-mail to the following addresses: or failing that  



The works submitted must be unpublished and can be presented in different official languages or languages: Spanish, English, French, Portuguese or Italian. The deadline for submission of originals is 1 September of the current year. If papers are received after this date, they will be taken into account for the next issue.

The maximum length of articles will be 40,000 characters for the main text, including spaces and bibliographical references. The notes of various will not exceed 15,000 characters and bibliographic reviews may reach a maximum of 9,000 characters. The spacing will be a space and a half. The title of the work, the text and the bibliography will be written with a letter "Times New Roman" of body 12, while for the quotations a letter of body 10 will be used. A bleed will be left at the beginning of each paragraph. Sections shall be presented in bold and capital letters with a 12-letter body and sub-sections with a 12-letter body, in bold and lowercase. Your numbering will follow the following sequence:

 1./2./2.2./2.2.1/ ...

Quotations within the text will be enclosed in quotation marks and rounded.

Headings and epigraphs shall be written in italics. Bold and capital letters should be avoided in the text, and italics and small caps should be adopted instead.

The footnotes shall be numbered consecutively and within the same electronic file as the main text. Calls to notes within the text will be made in superscript before the punctuation mark.

On the first page of the text or title page, the following data will appear: title of the work, name of the author(s), professional affiliation, brief curricular summary (maximum 500 characters with spaces), postal address, e-mail and telephone.

The second page will contain the following data:


-Article title: centred, with a bold capital letter of body 12.

-Name and surname of the author: under the title, centred, with an italic lower case of body 10.

-University (or centre) to which the author belong: under the name, centred, with a lower case of body 10.

 -A brief summary of the article (including rationale, objectives, methodology and conclusions): no longer than 800 characters with spaces.

-Article keywords, five at the most.

-Translation of the abstract into English (abstract).

-Translation of keywords into English.



The bibliographical references of the works used for research will always be included in the notes, with the same numerical and sequential reference. As a general rule of presentation, it is advisable to follow the system of bibliographic citation in a note according to ISO 690, according to the following examples:



CRUZ FUENTES, P., Historia de la arquitectura, Salamanca, Anaya, 2nd ed., 1980, t. II, vol. 1, p. o pp.


Book chapter:

TOVAR DE TERESA, G., "La portada principal de la primitiva catedral de México", in VV.AA., La catedral de México, México, BBVA Bancomer, 2014, pp. 71-79.


Article in magazine:

MARQUINA LEÓN, A., "La gestión del patrimonio en Extremadura", Norba-Arte, t. XIX, nº 2, 1999, p. o pp.


Reference to a congress or communication in a congress:

CASTILLO OREJA, M. Á., "De arquitectura y arquitectos de Antigua: Sobre la reelaboración de modelos y sus fuentes de referencia", in XIII Congreso del CEHA. Ante el nuevo milenio, raíces culturales, proyección y actualidad del arte español, Granada, Editorial Comares, 2000, vol. 2, p. 667.


Article on the internet:


DUART, J. M. and LUPIAÑEZ, F., "Estrategias en lana introducción y uso de woas TIC en la Universidad", RUSC. Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento, vol. 2, nº 1, May 2005, UOC [Enquiry: 09/09/2008]. http:www.


-References cf. vid., id., ibidem, op. cit., loc. cit., etc., should be written in italics.

-Textual quotations will be introduced by reserving four more spaces from the margin.

A complete bibliography of the works used must be attached at the end of the article.



Images should preferably be sent in JPG or TIF format, with a definition of 300 dpi and corresponding captions. They will not be inserted into a Word file or converted into a PDF file. They will be sent independently and numbered: Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc. A maximum of 10 figures may be included in each article. If the author wishes it, he can insert the images in the text to indicate his position in it. If the material comes from museums, collections or other collections that require it, it must have the authorization to be published. This authorisation shall be mentioned in the caption. The list of image captions will be made in a separate document. In the case of drawings, plans, graphs and maps, the graphical scale must be included.

Photographs or graphics that lack quality will not be published. Bibliographical reviews shall be accompanied by the scanned image of the cover of the publication reviewed.