Ehical Code

This code is based on the Principles of transparency and good practices in academic publications of the COPE Publications Ethics Committee ( It is aimed at both editors and reviewers and authors.

1. Editors

    Publication decision: the editors will guarantee the selection of the most qualified reviewers and specialists scientifically to issue a critical and expert assessment of the work, with the least possible bias.
     Honesty: the editors evaluate the articles submitted for publication only on the basis of the scientific merit of the contents in line with the editorial policy of the magazine.
     Confidentiality: the editors and the members of the different councils and staff undertake not to disclose the information related to the articles sent for publication to people other than authors, reviewers and editors. Anonymity is a formula used to preserve the intellectual integrity of the entire process.
     Conflict of interests and disclosure: the publishers agree not to use the contents of the articles submitted for publication in their investigations without the written consent of the author.
     Times of the editorial process. The editorial team undertakes to communicate in time the reception, evaluation, decision and estimation, correction or dismissal of the work received in a time that in general does not exceed 180 days.

 2. Reviewers

    Contribution to the editorial decision: People who assume the commitment to evaluate the work received must perform a critical, constructive and biased review, in order to guarantee scientific and literary quality in their area of ​​knowledge
    Time management: The reviewers commit themselves to evaluate the works in the shortest possible time to respect the deadlines, since in Norba. Revista de Arte the works must be evaluated in the shortest possible time in order to optimize editorial management. The reviewer who does not feel competent in the subject to be reviewed or who cannot finish the evaluation at the scheduled time will immediately notify the editors.
    Objectivity: The review will be as objective as possible, without mediating personal judgments about the authors or authors. All valuations must be justified in a report that will be attached to the Virtual Platform. This report should be as exhaustive as possible so as to allow the authors to clearly understand the suggested modifications or corrections, or, if the work is rejected, to understand the reasons for that decision. Likewise, if there is any conflict of interest, the review of the work must be rejected.
    Confidentiality: Manuscripts are distributed anonymously. However, each assigned manuscript must be considered confidential. Therefore, these texts should not be discussed with other people without the express consent of the authors or the editors.
    Text display or Bibliographic references: The reviewers agree to indicate precisely the bibliographical references of fundamental works possibly forgotten by the author. The reviewer must also inform the editors of any similarity or overlaps of the manuscript with other published works.
    Conflict of interest and disclosure: Confidential information or information obtained during the peer review process should be considered confidential and cannot be used for personal purposes. Reviewers only review a manuscript if there are no conflicts of interest.

3. Authors

   Originality and plagiarism: All works submitted for publication must be unpublished, that is, the authors of manuscripts sent to «Communicate» ensure that the work is original, that it does not contain parts of other authors or other fragments of already published works by the authors They also confirm the veracity of the data and the results presented in the paper, that is to say that they are original and there is no plagiarism or distortion or manipulation of the empirical data when used or of the sources used to corroborate the hypotheses or conjectures.
    Commitment of exclusivity. Papers submitted to Norba. Revista de Arte may not have been submitted simultaneously to another magazine for selection. Likewise, they cannot contain, even partially, results already published in other articles.
    List of sources: The author must always provide the correct indication of the sources and contributions mentioned in the article.
    Authorship: In the articles in which more than one person has contributed, the authorship must be ranked according to the responsibility and involvement in its preparation. Likewise, the inclusion of all persons who have made significant scientific and intellectual contributions in the development of the research and in the writing of the article must be guaranteed.
    Access and retention: The editorial team may require the authors the data or sources on which the research is based, being able to keep them for a reasonable time after publication, with the possibility of making them accessible to the editor. In any case, for this purpose, all data must be thoroughly anonymized.
    Conflict of interests and disclosure: All authors are required to state explicitly that there are no conflicts of interest that may have influenced the results obtained or the proposed interpretations. Authors should also indicate any funding from agencies and / or projects from which the research article arises.
    Errors in published articles: any relevant error or inaccuracy must be communicated to the editorial team so that it can make the necessary corrections.
    Responsibility: all authors accept responsibility for what has been written. which must be supported by an in-depth analysis of the most current and relevant scientific literature on the subject, and its discussion.